Banda de Música Santádega de Coles

The BANDA DE MÚSICA SANTÁDEGA from Concello de Coles (Ourense), currently one of the leading wind bands in Galicia, was founded in March 2008 by Luis Humberto Cao, a pianist who was born in the local area.

The Band brings together more than 60 musicians, aged from 8 to 70, the majority of whom were trained in the Band’s own Escola de Música do Concello de Coles.

The Band has won various prizes at summits and contests, particularly at those organized by the Federación de Bandas de Música de Galicia:

  • - First place at the 13th Certame Galego de Bandas de Música in November 2019 in the YOUTH SECTION
  • - First place at the 15th Certame Galego de Bandas de Música in December 2022 in DIVISION THREE
  • - Second place at the 16th Certame Galego de Bandas de Música in October 2023 in DIVISION TWO

It has taken part in band shows all over Galicia and Castilla León, including: the 20th Festival de Bandas, Negreira (A Coruña), the 2nd Festival Ponferrada, the 23rd Xuntanza de Ordes (A Coruña), the Ciclo de Ribadavia (Ourense), and the Tenorio (Pontevedra). The Band also has a long history of appearing in municipal patron festivities.

The Band has a broad performance repertoire which includes different styles of music, adapting to the event and the audience who has requested their presence.

The Band is directed by maestro Roberto Iglesias Rey.

The Band’s name comes from Castro de Santádega (Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos LIII), located on the border of Concello de Coles with Vilamarín. The creation of the Band has restored the musical tradition of the area, which previously had eight bands in Concello de Coles alone.

Roberto Iglesias

Roberto Iglesias Rey was born in Ourense in 1980. He began studying music when he was 6 years old with the teacher and composer Alejandro Del Río. He completed his official studies at the Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Ourense where he obtained his professional music qualifications, specializing in trumpet. He then moved to the city of A Coruña where he completed his degree in the specialty of trumpet at the Conservatorio Superior de Música.

He attended master classes with teachers such as Juan Carlos Igea, Jose Vicente Navarro, Andrés Vales, Javier Simó, Maurice André, John Aigi Hurt, Enrique Rioja, Benjamin Moreno, Mireia Farrés, Spanis Brass Luur Metals, and Francisco Cano Ruiz, among others.

As a trumpet player he has collaborated with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Viana do Castelo (Portugal) and the Orquesta del Teatro Lírico de Barcelona. He played with the Banda de Música Municipal de A Coruña in the recording of the 60 Anniversario Rogelio Groba record.

He has taught classes in the municipal music schools of Chantada and Barbadás, and at the Conservatorio Municipal de Celanova. He is currently co-director of the Escuela de Música Kontrapunto and director of the Escuela Municipal de Música de Coles.

He began conducting with choirs, taught by teachers such as Dante Andreo and Maite Oca. He trained in wind band conducting at the Escuela Gallega de Dirección de Banda with maestros such as Javier Viceiro, Jan Cober, Douglas Bostock, Frank De Vuyst, Miguel Romea, Borja Quintas, Juanjo Ocón, Bart Picqueur, Xoan Lois Diéguez and Andrea Loss.

In 2024 he finalized his advanced studies in Orchestra Conducting at the CSMG with maestros Pere Molina, Boris Perrenoud, and his tutor and mentor Cristóbal Soler.

He currently directs the Banda Artística de Arcade (Pontevedra) and the Banda de Música Santádega de Coles (Ourense).